Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The faith of a child

Well, it has been a while since we have updated and to show Kim that I plan on updating more than once every year, we are ready for an update!

Life has been a roller coaster for us lately, full of wonderful blessings and also huge trials that have tested our faith. But through it all, blessings and trials, we have come closer to each other and closer to our Savior.

In September Tim and I found out that we were expecting our first child! We were so excited. This is something that Tim and I had been waiting for our whole lives. I started to get weird cravings for pickles and other strange things. Our minds suddenly could think of nothing else. Our thoughts were totally consumed by babies. We even stopped by the baby section every time we went to ANY store. I think the best part was feeling the love we had for this little buven, yes we named it buven for the time being. I began to feel as if I had a small glimpse of the love that Heavenly Father has for His children. The concern, the happiness, the fear, the love, all of it. It was an amazing feeling.

At the end of October we went to our doctor and found out that we had had a miscarriage. It seemed that we had gone from one extreme to another. All that love and joy had turned in to pain and fear. It was a very difficult time for us but through our faith, we were going to be ok. We were surrounded by love and comforted every day. There were so many people that helped us. Tim and I also grew so much closer to each other while we relied on our Father in Heaven to help us through something so difficult. We focused on getting through one day at a time, praying everyday, and reading our scriptures for comfort. There were so many times that I saw the Lord's hand in our life; in a talk at church, in a blog, in a scripture, in a conference talk. Every day the Lord made sure that we knew we were going to be ok.

One day I had a conversation with my sister in law and she told me that every night, our niece and nephew prayed that Emmy would get a new baby in her tummy. This instantly brought tears to my eyes. If we could all have faith like them; to have no fear, to have no hesitations , no worries, but total faith in our Heavenly Father. I have been working for this type of faith. What a wonderful experience to be reminded that our Father in Heaven has so much love for us. If we could all have the faith of a child, our lives would be filled with so many more blessings. We all have trials and for reasons we don't always understand. But we get through them and we learn and we come out stronger. We are grateful for the Lord, we are grateful for trials that bring us closer to our Father in Heaven, and we are grateful for this wonderful time of year.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Halloween: November 8th

Who says you can ONLY paint pumpkins on Halloween? It was a little late, but we decided to paint them anyways. I decorated mine with some of my travels from this year (Cali, Philly, New York, Cananda, Illinois, Mexico, Utah, Oregon and Hawaii in a few weeks). Tim did an amazing job with a scene from our future Hawaii trip :) It was incredibly fun!

Trip to Cali! We get to back in a few weeks!

Niagara Falls!! Canada and New York for our School Art trip
Trip to Philly to see the FAM
Awesome husband :)

Mexico Trip - Yes, that is me swimming in the ocean. Tim is the pink one on the sand! He did get REALLY burned while we were there!
This was Tim's Picture! I'm the one surfing and he's swimming out to me. I love it!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall Break In Philly!

Being a teacher comes with some great benefits: 1) I get to teach very happy kids 2) The kids say really funny things like " I think Yehuda left his Bikini in your room." "You mean his Yamaka?" 3) I don't work weekends and 4) I get a whole week off in October as well as March. Pretty sweet! For fall break I went to Philly to see the whole Fam (well, almost all - Matman is staying strong on his Mission!)! Jen and Brookie came from California and then Mom, Stace, and Dad came from Peru. Tom and Bob (and Emily And Sheri) allowed us to infiltrate their houses with people, luggage, and love! A million thanks to them!! We had such a wonderful time being with our family. This was the first time we had seen Tom and Sheri since their wedding last year and what better way to enjoy seeing each other than to spend a weekend all cuddled up! What an amazing blessing to spend a few days with our wonderful family. We also got to be there for Baby Anna's Blessing as well as Claire's! We also went to a pumpkin patch, painted pumpkins, and just enjoyed being together! What a wonderful week!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

We Started a Blog!

Tim and I finally decided to start our own blog! It only took us 9 months. We got married in December and have been loving every minute of life ever since. This year, I am still teaching Spanish, Music, and Art at Rancho Solano... AND.... Loving it. It's a little different without Jen teaching right next to me, but I'm doing my best. I did get a new room this year, which is nice. Plus, I have rats in my room! What more do you need? Tim has recently finished his class work at Midwestern University and is now three weeks into his first pharmacy rotation. He will have rotations for the next 9 months, traveling all across Phoenix gaining experience in different types of Pharmacies. He graduates next June!!